This page should
provide you with almost everything you need to contact us.
If you'd like to see our licensing/needle-drop rates, or if you have our discs
already and are reporting usage, click here. You can download the form, print
it, complete all the legal mumbo jumbo, and then send it back to us. You can download
the Acrobat Reader if you need it... Voila.
Click here for the usage agreement which details the legal aspects. Download the
form, read the Legal Crap VERY carefully (we aren't joking about this), fill it
out completely and fax it back to us. Simple. Done. Upon approval from one of
our SOS elves, you'll receive a set of discs and some license applications..
RATE. Interested in using our library without all the annoying paperwork?
Click here. It won't do anything. But at least after mild carpal tunnel damage,
you'll be annoyed enough to call us and we can talk about it. Your local distributor
should have all the information you need.
Okay. You might still not be sure what the hell we're talking about, and probably
need a free demo CD featuring both the SOS Music Production Library and Noise
Generator, our four-CD sound design element package.
Send mail to
with questions or comments about this web site.